Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Reporters—Do Your Jobs, Please!

I saw this blog post in the UK Spectator from a link from Jay Nordlinger. Andrew Roberts talks about attending a party where Bill Clinton told him and his wife something "rather shocking about one of the Republican presidential frontrunners, unrepeatable in a family magazine such as this. If it’s true, the race is still wide open . . ." So it sounds like the kind of revelation that could sink a candidate in the general election.

It seems to me that this is the kind of thing a journalist needs to follow up on immediately. If someone doesn't ask Bill Clinton to find out what the rather shocking information about one of the Republican frontrunners is in the next day or two, then I must conclude that the press is not doing their jobs.

(The whole of Robert's brief article is worth reading. It's interesting to see how the rich and powerful play, and it makes me think that the whole idea of Democrats championing the regular people is a complete and total lie.)

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