Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Conservatives Intuitively Understand This

By Will Saletan of Slate.com, via First Things blog.

Is Sarah Palin the first nominee on a major-party presidential ticket whose daughter got pregnant out of wedlock? Or is she just the first whose daughter didn’t get an abortion?

The reason you’re reading about Bristol Palin’s pregnancy is that she’s taking it to term. If she had aborted it, you’d never have known.

Remember that before you judge or poke fun at Sarah Palin. She’s not the candidate whose daughter messed up. She’s the candidate who didn’t get rid of the mess.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Fair and Accurate?

The two things that are most bothersome about the local newspapers is that they act as gate-keepers of information that they don't want people to hear, and they develop a narrative of the news that is delivered.

A good example of the latter was the pictures in the St. Paul Pioneer Press on Tuesday outside the Republican National Convention. The full-color image on page 1 was from the viewpoint of the protesters of a police officer spraying pepper spray straight at the camera. Pictures on the inside spread were also very favorable to the protesters. Images of the riot police showed them in threatening ways.

There was one solitary image of protesters engaging in an act of violence, even though that was the aim of so many.

When the Pioneer Press goes out of business, I will not shed a tear.