Friday, October 22, 2021

How Did It Come to This?

Dennis Prager is a conservative commentator who runs PragerU, a company that makes short videos from a conservative perspective on a variety of topics and posts them to YouTube and other social media platforms. He titled one of his fireside chats, “Are Americans Okay with Losing Freedom?” My answer to that is, “No way,” but I feel powerless to stop it. 

Here is a transcription of a Twitter Thread by a professor named Eric Weinstein: 

“I’m watching our National suicide, which I am powerless to stop or even slow for reasons I simply cannot fathom. Perhaps I’ve just outlived my time; I cannot recognize this world hell bent on madness and self harm to aid a communist superpower rival rising in the east.” 

“Any one of us ordinary Americans should just be able to say, ‘Stop. Think. This is madness.’ And get the Democrats to snap out of their trance-like devotion to the destruction of the U.S. But not one of us can make ANY real impact to slow this without institutions or resources.” 

“Is there not one single U.S. billionaire who wants to try to save the U.S. research pipeline? One major tech CEO? Is there no research university president who wants to stand for academic freedom and our most talented students and future scientists? How is there no one at all?” 

“This was a functional nation until very recently. And the secret to our power and prosperity was largely about brainpower. And we are getting to the point where gifts and talents are simply seen and portrayed as privilege and oppression to one of our two political parties.” 

Although Weinstein’s comments come in response to the ending of the gifted and talented programs in New York City schools, I think he speaks for me as I survey the current culture. 

I have come to believe that the U.S. is in a terminal decline that can only be reversed by a turning back to God. I don’t think there is anything any one person, event, or institution can do to stop the slide into disaster. I think it will fall to me and my peers to be a witness to the end of the American Experiment.