Sunday, February 10, 2013

Civilization Exhaustion

Arguing for traditional marriage is not a easy task these days. Even people who are in traditional marriages will reply that gay marriage "does not threaten my marriage, so why should I care if gay marriage is legal?" If one brings up the fact that if our society cannot limit marriage by gender, how can it limit it by number or relation or age or species? That reply is scoffed at as ridiculous.

Recently, I've seen a couple of items on the Internet that indicate to me that the idea of limiting marriage by number is already come and gone. Legal recognition of polygamy in the United States is going to happen. Look north when you want to see where we are headed. Here is a poster created for Toronto public schools.

Note the hearts at the top of the poster and bottom of the poster with three people in those hearts. It's funny how quickly the argument that "love has no gender" transforms into "love has no number".

Here is an article linked to by Glenn Reynolds that tells of a Florida judge who ruled that three people be added to the birth certificate of a recently born little girl--both of her moms and the sperm-supplier.

When there are so few people who are so motivated to change thousands of years of social norms, one wonders how they are so successful in their efforts. I think that they push it constantly so it is always a topic of conversation, then they marginalize those who oppose them and a huge number of people just want them to shut up and go away, so they win by default. The supporters of changing the definition of marriage are in it for the long haul, and everyone else is cowed into silence or grudging acceptance. When the majority of citizens can no longer win an argument for traditional marriage, one can only come to the conclusion that our civilization is exhausted. That which is tolerated is soon celebrated and finally written into law.