Thursday, February 23, 2012

No Surprise

I hadn't seen this article in the Star Tribune, until my brother mentioned it to me. A high school and college classmate of mine teaches at a St. Paul public school, and it seems that he spoke up at a recent board of education meeting regarding the administration's mushy suspension policy for black students.

Aaron is one of the good guys I know--a man of principle and guts. He was looked up to by all of our high school class, and he was also a man of principle at the University of St. Thomas. I am not surprised by his comments, because he has always been one to go against the tide, but the interesting thing to me was the way the curtain was pulled back so we could catch a glimpse of the humbugs who run the public schools.

From the school board to the NAACP to the behavior specialists and assistant superintendents, the message to Aaron is the same: "Shut up and don't rock the gravy train. Federal and state grants that come in to "solve" these problems pay a lot of salaries."

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Giving Up

I begin to worry that I am becoming so cynical about the prospects of a free United States, that I have begun to not care about the future of this once great and wonderful country.

Reading the article linked by Steyn makes me sadder than I can describe.