Saturday, November 30, 2013

Connecting Dots

Two different, but yet connected articles I've read this weekend demonstrate why it is foolish for believing Catholics to put any faith in Democrat-favored policies. The first article was a link from National Review Online about questions Cardinal Dolan answered (will answer tomorrow) on Meet the Press.

The second article was in the Wall Street Journal. Kim Strassel reported on the FTC coming down hard on an organization of music teachers.

The only reason the media has any desire to have Cardinal Dolan on is so that they can make him say that he likes universal health care. Then they can use that "endorsement" to hammer at conservative believers that if they are faithful, they will get onboard with Obamacare. But as the Wall Street Journal article shows us, the expansive regulatory state, regardless of its "good intentions" will always work against the average citizen. For a Christian, there is no upside to state-sponsored charity.